“Can you hear me?”, the Sun asked
“No, But I can feel you”
Sun whispered, “Hear me when I come out with a bang”
“Can you hear me?”, the trees asked
“No, But I can see you”
Trees whispered, “Hear … Continue Reading...
Divine Creations
“Can you hear me?”, the Sun asked
“No, But I can feel you”
Sun whispered, “Hear me when I come out with a bang”
“Can you hear me?”, the trees asked
“No, But I can see you”
Trees whispered, “Hear … Continue Reading...
My Inner Traits
“I was under the illusion
Thought I was always right and Perfect
I couldn’t see where I lack
But Truth was the key that opened my eyes
Helped me see myself with clarity!”
“I was looking for … Continue Reading...
“At times, Life seemed scary
As if I didn’t belong here
But then came a feather by my bay
And then, my faith led the Way!
I was walking by my side….
I had my desires going by my plan… Continue Reading...
The air around me is always flowing,
The touch of wind is always so energising,
I only realised when I reached the Mountain top!
The sky is always this vast,
The clouds are so colorful,
I only realised when I … Continue Reading...
How do I experience you …
I always ask!
But when your energy flows through me …
You define the way, I thrive !!
I can’t see you anywhere …
Is that just me?
But when I close my eyes… Continue Reading...
मिट्टी के कण-कण में तू है…
इस आकाश गगन के तारो में तू है..
क्यों तुझे देख मेरा मन भर आए
तुझसे मेरा रोम रोम मुस्कुराए..
कैसी है ये तेरी महिमा
जो मुझे वापस अपने घर लाए..
जल की तरंगों … Continue Reading...
You are strong, stoic yet emotional,
That’s a different story that you don’t express!
About your feelings, we are aware,
And in doing so, you share!!
You are dependable and supportive,
Wants the best as you create!
Although you don’t … Continue Reading...
Life is………………………
Life is beautiful,
Ask a seed when it grows
Of course, it is magical,
Ask a Bud when it blooms
Life is mystical,
Ask a dew drop when it shines
Yes, it is Grace,
Ask a Tree that … Continue Reading...
Your Presence is evident,
in every aspect of Life..
The calm and serene breeze tells us all !!
This Life is a blend,
of Highs and Lows..
The bright and dark cloud tells us all !!
Your Will succeeds Our … Continue Reading...
Where Swan will play and birds shall sing…
Where earthworm will roll with joy and bees shall rise !!
It’s time !! A New World Arise !
Where rivers will be clear and mountains shall guide..
Where breeze will be pure … Continue Reading...