My Inner Traits
“I was under the illusion
Thought I was always right and Perfect
I couldn’t see where I lack
But Truth was the key that opened my eyes
Helped me see myself with clarity!”
“I was looking for it outside
When others didn’t meet my expectations I was disturbed
Moreover, I failed myself in that
But Happiness was the key that cleared the fog
It was inside me!”
“I was judging others and myself
Holding grudge and anger when things didn’t happen my way
Got Furious at things I couldn’t control
Acceptance was the key that changed my Perception
And I got my peace within!”
“I was in a hurry,
Wanted to make things right then and there
I could hardly wait when it came to my Life decisions
But Patience was the Key
And Life unfurled on its own!”
“I was bitter and angry,
Thought people are unfair
That I could barely breathe
But Forgiveness was the Key
That cleared my Karmic pattern and made me fly!”